by 마키디어

블로거뉴스의 원문 직접 링크로 간다는 소식을 오래전에 접했는데, 이제서야 원문 직접 링크형태로 바뀌었다.  개편된 형태를 보면 블로거뉴스가 디그닷컴의 형태를 지향하고 있는 듯해보인다.  하나하나 개편되는 모습이 점점 디그닷컴을 닮아가고 있다.
사용자 삽입 이미지

두 사이트를 비교해보면 분명한 차이점이 보인다. 블로거뉴스같은 경우는 하루 몇개의 글은 수천개에 달하는 추천이 이루어지기도 해 세계적인 메타사이트를 능가하는 수준이다. 하지만, 그 밑으로 내려가보면 추천수가 초라하기 그지없다. 심하게 말해, 일부 이슈성 글 말고는 존재가치가 거의 없는 수준이다.

인기이슈 키워드, 너무나 복잡해 클릭해볼 엄두가 나지도 않는 카테고리 등이 큰 역할을 하고 있다. 디그가 관심정보별 창구라고 하면, 블로거뉴스는 시사고발/연예 토론장으로 브랜딩되고 있는 경향이 강하다. 그 마저도 그리 강한 브랜드라고도 말할 수 도 없다. 오히려, 올블로그나 블로그코리아가 이 부분에서 떨어지지 않는 브랜드가 아닐까 싶다.

여기서 궁금한 점은 블로거뉴스측은 과연 그러한 브랜딩을 의도적으로 지향하고 있는가라는 점이다. 그것이 아니라면 블로거뉴스는 한참 잘못된 방향으로 이끌려가고 있는 듯하다. 반대로, 네이버 오픈캐스트는 아직 미완성상태이긴 하지만 블로거뉴스와는 반대로 디그처럼 정보창구를 지향하고 있다.
바뀐 블로거뉴스에서는 디그와 같이 메타사이트 자체에서 댓글을 달 수 있는 시스템을 구축했는데, 성급하게 진행해서 그런것인지 컨텐츠에 광고를 단게 아니라 광고에 컨텐츠를 달고 있는 듯한 느낌이다. 발표된 블로거뉴스의 개편방향을 보아도 형태는 디그와 같은 모습으로 더욱 닮아갈 듯해 보인다.
사용자 삽입 이미지

개인적으로, 블로거뉴스는 정보를 얻기보다는 사람들이 어떤 글에 관심을 가지는가 어떤 식으로 반응하는가 등 사람들의 성향을 파악하기 위해 자주 방문해보게된다. 블로거뉴스팀은 향후 발전을 위해 몇가지를 염두해두어야 할 것같다.

블로거는 얼리어답터에 가까우며 블로그 중심적이다. 얼리어답터 자체는 비즈니스에 중요한 소비자인 반면에 장기적 발전에 독이 될 수도 있다. 블로거는 어디까지는 1차적으로 블로거의 이익을 우선시할 수밖에 없다. 블로거뉴스나 소셜미디어의 비즈니스적 발전은 블로거에게 1차적 고려대상이 아니다. 다음의 경우는 이끌려가는 경향이 강하다.

소셜미디어 시장의 대다수 소비자는 비블로거이거나 소극적 블로거이다. 강한 목소리를 내는 소수의 급진적 얼리어답터를 의식해 다수의 시장을 잃어버릴 수 있다. 참여를 통해 이끌어가는 것과 이리저리 이끌려가는것은 염연히 다르다. 소셜미디어 시장에서 성공하기 위해서는 블로거에게 이끌려가는 것이 아니라 블로거를 활용할 수 있는 지혜가 필요하다. 네이버와 다음의 가장 큰 차이를 꼽으라면 여기서 찾을 수 있다. 네이버는 얼리어답터를 활용하는 법을 너무나 잘 알고 있는 반면, 다음은 이끌려가는데 급급해 방향을 잘 잡지 못하는 경향이 있다.

소셜미디어 시장이 점점 커져가는 인터넷시장에서 다음과 네이버의 마케팅전쟁이 다시 한번 시작되고 있다. 이번 전쟁에서 승리자는 블로거에 이끌려가는 쪽이 아니라 블로거를 포섭하고 활용해 이끌어가는 쪽이 될것이다.

마키디어 블로그 글 받아보기


by 천계성

에서 선정한 작년 한해 top 어플리케이션의 모음입니다.

웹상에서 공기의 개념이 되고 있다는 sns를 기반으로 한 서비스들이 가장 많이 눈에 띄이고, Qik과 같은 모바일 활용 사이트들도 조만간 우리나라에서 마케팅의 용도로 활성화 되지 않을까란 생각도 들었습니다. 

(아시는 사이트는 스킵하시구요~^^)
작년 한해 대히트를 친 어플들을 만나보시죠.


Top 10 Consumer Web Apps of 2008

1. Twitter

Twitter is the de facto leader of the microblogging scene, a realm usually rife with witty repartee between leading social media consultants and Web 2.0 developers. But when household names like Lance Armstrong, Richard Branson, Al Gore, Shaquille O'Neal, Britney Spears, and politicians across the US started using it, this year, it was clear that our selection as the Best Web LittleCo for 2007 had grown up - and entered the public consciousness.

Twitter was a constant fixture on ReadWriteWeb this year from its use as a source of news to its growing use as a customer service channel. But it wasn't without its hiccups. Midway through the year, Twitter - and its more and more frequent showings of the Fail Whale - was rapidly becoming persona non grata. In June 2008, Amazon's Jeff Bezos poured more cash into the service. And with the US elections, Twitter proved its mettle, becoming a critical forum for debate on the issues at hand.

2. Firefox

November 2008 marked the fourth birthday for Firefox, arguably one of the most successful open source projects and clearly the most popular Web browser that users have to actually install. In 2008, more and more of the consumer population gravitated to the browser that strives to deliver the Web the right way.

Firefox has continued to grow in popularity throughout 2008, but it was the download day for Firefox 3 that began to truly turn heads. Site crushing traffic to download a Web browser? Believe it. So much traffic, in fact, that it set a world record. That, and a number of other factors, had Firefox reaching a 20% market share in October of this year.

3. IntenseDebate

IntenseDebate - dubbed by RWW as the "the sophisticated blog comment system with the silly name" - provides a commenting add-in for blogs and Web sites that allows users to better manage their profiles and comments across multiple conversations. It also supports OpenID.

In 2008, distributed commenting was still a very young space with no clear leader. But when IntenseDebate appeared as the comment system on US President-elect Barack Obama's, it stepped into the public eye. Now, thousands of people are using the commenting system. This makes Automattic - the company that manages the development of WordPress - look pretty insightful for acquiring IntenseDebate this year.

4. Hulu

If Hulu - a joint video content sharing venture between NBC Universal and News Corp. - is any indication, traditional mainstream media companies are beginning to get this whole "online thing."

And with good reason. In 2008, Hulu shed its ugly duckling image and came into its own and was projected to earn a staggering $90 million in its first year. How? Again, the true turning point was the US elections. Consumers turned to Hulu as much for the political content, as for the satire - like Saturday Night Live and The Daily Show. Now, consumers are hooked and that affinity for the service is showing no sign of slowing.

5. Ning

Ning is a service designed to help anyone build a social network about anything that interests them. And in 2008, consumers flocked to the site to do exactly that - to the tune of a new social network created every 30 seconds.

As of October 2008, Ning was host to half of a million networks. And it will only continue to grow in the consumer space. Why? Much like Twitter, Ning has begun to attract celebrities who find the service a viable way of interacting with fans. Plus, with its integration of OpenSocial, Ning gains access to tech savvy consumers on a variety of social networks who already understand the dynamic.



Any app that incorporates consumer media and makes it easier to use is a winner. And that's why, the socially driven music recommendation service, is a shoo-in for top consumer apps of 2008.

We at RWW spend a great deal of time focused on - from the most popular songs to mashups created using its data to visualizing friends networks - because we spend so much time on One thing is for sure with its redesigned site, the growing presence on mobile platforms, innovative programs, and interesting features, is sure to continue gaining more and more fans.

7. Meebo

Meebo, always a favorite here at RWW, provides a centralized instant message platform that's accessible from any Web browser. While they've always been popular with the overly connected crowd, 2008 marks the year where Meebo has a growing opportunity to become a consumer favorite, as well.

In March 2008, we saw Meebo as having the opportunity to bring Web IM to the mainstream. Throughout the year, they continued to improve - including adding a revenue stream. And by October, Meebo had begun to roll out a partner program that will place its functionality on niche consumer sites throughout the Web. Even if consumers don't recognize Meebo yet, they will soon.

8. Mogulus

If YouTube taught people about online video and Ustream taught folks how to stream video, then Mogulus will be the service that teaches consumers how to broadcast online. And in a burgeoning HD market, where users are coming to expect crisp video and audio quality even online, Mogulus stands to become the streaming service of choice for serious videophiles.

In June 2008, we reported that Mogulus - which launched in May 2007 - was already reporting 4.5 million uniques. By September, that number had grown nearly 30% to 5.8 million. Clearly, the numbers are on the upswing.

9. Qik

Qik, the service that allows users to stream video to the Web from a mobile handset, may not be as prevalent on the consumer radar as some of these other apps. But it's safe to say it will be. While services like Mogulus have focused on the quality of the video stream, services like Qik have focused on the converse: the ability to stream content with devices that consumers are already carrying around. And that will be their key to success - the ability to deliver more content while hauling less gear.

At the beginning of the year, we wondered if Qik might be one of the breakout apps at SXSW 2008 given the number of tech types participating in its early testing. By the middle of 2008, Qik had opened its beta to more participants. And since that point, they've focused on making the service available on both mass market phones and some smart phones. No doubt, the ability to shoot video with that phone in your pocket will be as compelling to consumers as taking photos - if not moreso.

10. Cooliris

Cooliris may be the least obvious - and least recognized - of our consumer app selections, but it has that certain something that makes us sure its going to be popular with the less technically savvy. For those of you who haven't had the chance to try it, Cooliris is a browser extension that provides a 3D environment for thumbing through visual sites - like photo and video sites. What's more, it makes it fun. And that's why consumers will continue to be attracted to it.

We covered Cooliris - then called PicLens - in February 2008, finding it "a lot of fun to play with and makes searching and viewing images on the web very enjoyable." By June 2008, they had added Amazon items and YouTube videos. Even the iPhone got the Cooliris treatment with the Cooliris iPhone app. Most recently, Cooliris has unveiled features that allow users to personalize selections - and that allows Cooliris to sell more advertising. Visual browsing is still coming into its own, but Cooliris is leading the charge in a way that consumers will embrace.


by 마키디어

티보 검색 베타- 키워드, 문구, 로고, 스타, 포스터, 배우 사진 검색 지원

웹검색은 구글, TV 검색은 티보
웹검색은 구글, TV 검색은 티보

Source: TiVo Search

